SERIES 98-99

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Aerial self supporting cables for local distribution telecommunication network.


UTE C 93-526 and UTE C 93-527-3


1- Conductors :
Each conductor consists of solid copper having a diameter of 0.4, 0.6 or 0.8 mm.

2- Insulation of conductors :
Conductors are insulated by a colored solid polyethylene layer.
The thickness of insulation is such as the electrical requirements are met.

3- Stranding :
- Element of cabling: insulated conductors are assembled in star quads.
- Cabling elements:
· Quads are assembled in concentric bundles with a capacity of 8 pairs,14 pairs and 28 pairs.
· Cables with 56 pairs are assembled in basic bundles of 14 pairs
· Cables having a capacity higher than 56 pairs are assembled in basic bundles of 28 pairs.

4- Core wrapping
A dielectric polyester tape is applied over the cable core.
5- Screen
On the cable core cover is applied an aluminum tape.
6- Drain wire
The Drain wire consists of tinned copper with 0.5 mm diameter.
7- Outer sheath

The sheath consists of low density polyethylene. It is black and contains 2.5 0.5 mm of carbon black in compliance with the European standards requirements EN 50290-2-24

8- Suspension wire
The suspension strand is made up of assembled galvanized steel wires.

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