How OneTech helps build a more sustainable manufacturing world

Onetech wasterwater treatment plant

Written by Chirine Dhouib

mercredi, Juin 14

OneTech group has built its own wastewater treatment plant in order to minimize its environmental impact.  

The manufacturing and production sectors are key drivers for economic growth. However, activity from these sectors also poses serious environmental risks that must be urgently addressed.

Companies like our component manufacturing companies have to satisfy multiple objectives such as quality, safety, and overall environmental impact.

As an industrial manufacturing company using chemical processes, we need to operate more sustainably and minimize our environmental impact, especially on water.

Therefore, we have built a large and sophisticated Wastewater Treatment Plant, with a capacity of 50 m3/h which allows us to reduce the chemical Oxygen Demand COD and nitrogen and ammonium levels.

Wastewater treatment procedure at the leader of electronic components supplier
Wastewater treatment procedure

The main purpose of wastewater treatment is for the treated wastewater to be able to be disposed of or reused safely.

How wastewater treatment works

The process of water treatment usually involves several steps that aim to remove impurities and contaminants from the water, making it safe for the environment. Here is a general overview of the process:

  1. Coagulation/ Flocculation: chemicals are added to the water to make suspended particles (such as dirt and bacteria) clump together and form larger particles called floc. This helps the particles to settle more easily and be removed from the water.
  2. Sedimentation: the water is then allowed to sit in large tanks, allowing the floc to settle to the bottom. This process is called sedimentation.
  3. Filtration: the water is then passed through filters to remove any remaining particles.
  4. Disinfection: to kill any remaining bacteria and viruses, a disinfectant (such as chlorine) is added to the water. This ensures that the water is safe.
  5. pH adjustment: sometimes, the pH of the water may need to be adjusted to prevent corrosion in pipes.
  6. Fluoridation: in some areas, fluoride is added to the water to help prevent tooth decay.
  7. Storage: the water is then stored in large tanks or reservoirs until it is reused.
Water treatment plant

The goal of a water treatment station is to remove any contaminants ad make the water safe and clean for the environment. We have our own specialized facility and internal laboratory to treat our wastewaters so that the pollutant concentrations in the treated wastewater comply with the regulations regarding disposal of wastewaters into sewers, lakes, oceans…  

Internal laboratory of water treatment station

Water treatment provides a range of benefits for both the environment and the companies that implement it.

Here are some of the key benefits:

Environmental benefits:

  1. Protects aquatic life: Water treatment removes pollutants and contaminants from wastewater before it is discharged into the environment, which helps protect aquatic life and preserve the quality of waterways.
  2. Reduces the risk of waterborne illnesses by removing harmful bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, which can significantly impact public health.
  3. Conserves water resources: treating wastewater can help conserve water resources by making treated water available for reuse in industrial processes, irrigation or even drinking water.
  4. Prevents pollution: by treating wastewater before it is discharged into the environment, water treatment helps prevent pollution and environmental degradation.

Company benefits:

  1. Compliance with regulations: companies that implement water treatment can ensure compliance with environmental regulations, avoiding fines and penalties for non-compliance.
  2. Cost savings: by reusing treated water, companies can reduce their reliance on freshwater resources and save money on water usage fees.
  3. Increased operational efficiency: water treatment can improve the efficiency of industrial processes by providing a reliable source of high-quality water for use in production processes.

We have reached 256% COD Compliance

COD compliance

There is an urgent need for manufacturing companies, especially electronic manufacturing supplier, to put sustainability at the heart of their strategy and to address environmental challenges including water pollution.

At OneTech group we are committed to learn how to navigate global sustainability challenges and meet a panoply of new policies and standards.

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